Dionatan Almeida, Brazil

Fazendas Caxambu e Aracaçu

Tell us about yourself:

I was born and raised on a coffee producing farm in the city of Três Pontas, south of Minas Gerais. He has worked on the Caxambu and Aracaçu farms since he was 16 years old, and it was on the farm that I became interested in the world of coffee. At first I worked on the farm taking care of the plantation and drying the coffees at harvest time, after 4 years I started taking courses and learned how to taste coffees.

What are you excited to do while you visit Chicago?

To take the train and see tourist attractions.

What are your interests outside of coffee?

I enjoy personal and family development.

Is there anyone you would like to thank or recognize or who helped you to prepare for the WCTC?

I want to thank Team BSCA, Carmem Lucia (Ucha), Ariane, Katia, Silvio Leite and my family.


Alejandro Macias, Colombia


Mauro Swieczak, Austria